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Empty Massage Table

“You Want to Massage Where?”

Massage therapy in the pelvic region is essential to achieving results for a variety of ailments. Many people may initially feel uncomfortable with bodywork in these areas and even question the legality of such therapy. For those with such concerns, allow me to quote directly from the Rules and Regulations

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Caucasian male runner holding knee expressing pain

Pain Is Your Friend NOT Your Enemy

A Bad Reputation Pain has gotten a bad rap these days. So many people see pain as a negative force in their life but there are many virtues to this unpleasant experience. The body is designed to send signals indicating when a course correction is needed. Pain is one of

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Athletic woman stretching neck before exercising

Muscle Self Care: Levator Scapulae

One of the most common indicators of stress is when our shoulders creep up closer and closer to our ears. You know what I’m talking about, you’ve been sitting at the computer for hours trying to make that deadline or you’re frustrated with your coworker, spouse or child. All of

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Female rolling out leg muscles

To Roll or Not to Roll? That is the Question.

Foam rolling has become increasingly popular and can be a very effective tool when used regularly and more important, PROPERLY. In previous articles I have written I talk about why it’s not usually effective to rub where it hurts in a massage. In my experience, the majority of the time

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muscle placement of the head

Specific Muscle Self Care: Masseter Muscles

The masseter muscle is the facial muscle that is largely responsible for chewing foods. It connects the lower jaw bone and the cheekbone. The masseter muscles consist of two tiers; the superficial and deep parts. The Function of the Masseter During chewing, the masseter is assisted by three other muscles: the

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Female massage client communicating with therapist regarding her massage preferences

Communicating With Your Massage Therapist

No matter where we are in our journey, communication remains a consistent need in our lives. Adequate communication between massage therapist and client is certainly no exception. In fact, it is becoming increasingly popular with the #metoo movement for female clients to accuse male therapists of sexual assault and battery; when in

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alcohol and massage dont mix

Alcohol and Massage, Two Activities That DON’T Mix

Many people equate massage with the ideas of winding down, relaxing and relieving stress. Rightly so! These are absolutely some of the many benefits that massage offers. The ideas of winding down, relaxing and relieving stress can also understandably be associated with drinking alcohol.  However, these two activities should not cross

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Female waking up in the morning with lower back pain

What’s Causing My Back Pain?

One of the most common complaints that walks through my door is a client suffering from “low back pain”. There are several different muscle groups that can be the culprit of this ailment. Unless the pain is coming from the quadratus lumborum (which is your lift-with-your-back-and-not-with-your-legs muscle) the solution to

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female massage patient receiving massage

I Need A Great Massage Therapist. How Do I Find One?

Finding an awesome massage therapist can be a harrowing and daunting task especially when you move or your favorite therapist has moved, retired or had to move onto something else. Chances are you feel like you have lost more than a therapist, you have lost a friend and confidant. You

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Male massage client receiving regularly scheduled massage

How Often Should I REALLY Get a Massage?

This has consistently been one of the most common questions put to me. It’s kind of a loaded one too because I never want my clients to feel like I am trying to “upsell” them. How Often Should I Get A Massage? The answer is as diverse as each individual.

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A spa is a location where mineral-rich spring water

We will bet anything you have never sen such a full set of the massage variantions. For your convenienc there are more than 20 different massage therapist who are the great professionals and ready to make your body more beautiful. If you don’t have any time to book the service

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