I Need A Great Massage Therapist. How Do I Find One?
Finding an awesome massage therapist can be a harrowing and daunting task especially when you move or your favorite therapist has moved, retired or had to move onto something else. Chances are you feel like you have lost more than a therapist, you have lost a friend and confidant.
You Are Not Alone
If you feel like this or something similar, you are not alone.
How could you not feel bonded to someone who has helped you in a very personal and intimate way by relieving your pain and reducing your stress month after month, year after year?
However, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that massage therapists statistically have a short career duration averaging just 10 years. So if you are one of the many people grieving the loss of your amazing massage therapist and wondering how you could ever find anyone like him or her ever again, take heart. Here are some things to do and look for that will make your search less tedious and uncomfortable.
Questions to Ask When Finding A New Massage Therapist
Start by asking your friends and professional network if they ever get massages. Don’t jump right in and ask them who they use right off the bat though.
Ask them what kind of massage they like. Is it relaxing, invigorating, hurts-so-good? Find people you know and trust who describe the kind of massage YOU like. Make sure you question them about the how knowledgeable their therapist is when it comes to the muscles, nerves, fascia planes, bony landmarks, kinesiology, stretching, etc.
If their therapist never talks about any of those types of things they have likely gotten into a mundane groove and give a mediocre massage.
After you’ve narrowed it down to your preferred style ask the remaining unaware candidates what kind of experience they have with their therapist. Do they come to their house, go to a luxury spa, a quaint modest room rental?
Now you want to get down to it. Ask about personality. Are they friendly, somber, talkative, low-key, high-energy, professional, casual?
With the following criteria, you should now have a small list of names or maybe even just one.
Narrowing It Down
DO NOT let the price deter you from trying someone.
If a massage therapist is confident enough in their work to charge $100/hour or more, they are very likely worth it. Now is the time to ask for the referral(s) and work up the courage to try someone new.
Just remember the only consistent thing in life is change so open your mind and go find your new massage therapist!