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Older female with clear skin on the beach

5 Essential Steps For Great Skin

It will happen, it has happened, or it is happening to all of us. As we age, our skin becomes duller, less hydrated, loses its firmness, and well- just starts looking ‘old.’ Regardless of where you are in your journey a good skincare routine is a must.

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Caucasian male face down on massage table receiving a shoulder massage

The Lazy Man’s Exercise

Most people know that both regular exercise and massage are great for your health. But a little-known fact about both is that they are nearly identical and their health benefits. Both increase circulation, promote the flow of lymph throughout the body, tone the muscles, release endorphins, reduce stress and yes,

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Healthy foods for nutrition, avocados, blueberries, brussel sprouts, olives, oats, etc.

4 Natural Immune Boosters Simplified

It’s that time of year again (finally!) when the air cools down and the germs they start a-spreadin’. With six kids all over the place, there’s not much that doesn’t walk through our door. Remarkably, we hardly ever get sick and when we do it is short-lived and quickly kicked

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Older man experiencing pain in his glutes.

Muscle Specific Self Care: Piriformis

The largest of the deep hip rotators, the piriformis can be responsible for the common ailment of pseudo-sciatica or piriformis syndrome.It is important to note the difference between pseudo-sciatica and true sciatica. What is Sciatica? True sciatica involves the compression of the sciatic nerve due to a slipped or herniated disc. This

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Massage therapist administering a massage inside the home of a client

Pair Theory: The Three to Five Day Rule

Often times when clients come to me they are in dire straits. Their pain is so debilitating that they are unable to work, sleep, or function normally. This tends to stem from long-term chronic holding patterns and neglect. Usually, when you are at this degree of dysfunction multiple subsequent sessions

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Female receiving a Swedish massage

Types of Massage Explained: Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is one of the most common massage modalities, particularly in the United States. Before we dive into the Swedish Massage, let’s tackle a term you will be hearing from me quite frequently –modality.  ‘Type of massage’ or ‘massage type’ is often used by the layman where they should be

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male receiving a myofascial release massage

What is Myofascial Release?

We hear a lot about fascia these days but most people don’t even know what it is. First, Let’s Talk About Fascia Fascia is the connective tissue in the body that encapsulates every muscle and organ gently holding it in place. It is very flexible and allows for a tremendous

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